I look at a computer screen as a blank canvas; A canvas I can create anything with

Most Recent Title : Lead UI Engineer

A Decade of Innovation and Leadership

My path in the technology sector has taken me through a myriad of industries, from media and finance to academia and private enterprises. Each step of the way has provided me with a unique palette of inspiration and knowledge, which I've come to view as valuable tools in my professional arsenal.

My career is defined by the relentless pursuit of knowledge and growth. As I reflect on the past decade, I'm excited about the next chapters in my professional journey. I'm poised to build on my diverse experiences and my distinctive approach to technology and programming, eager to embrace the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

Drew Stephenson Tech Talk
Cox Automotive Tech Talk I had the chance to talk about anything related to technology, and I chose to focus on something called the "Event Loop." Even though it might sound complicated, I believe it's a crucial but often overlooked part of web development. In a world where we're surrounded by fancy tools and shortcuts, it's easy to create amazing things without really knowing how they work. So, in my talk, I break down concepts like setTimeout and the call stack in simpler terms, helping you understand how they affect your work in a practical way.

Notable Work


A high intensity one player online game designed to get your brain racing at an extreme pace!

Coded in :

  • React / Typescript
  • Three Js/ R3F
  • Node
  • Tailwind
  • React Spring
  • Mongo DB

Project 44 | Port Intel

Manage Global Disruptions With Real-Time Port Intel

To help manage port congestion, blind spots, and black swan events, Port Intel delivers global, accurate, real-time intelligence on port and vessel activity so supply chain professionals can plan proactively, respond to exceptions, and meet customer expectations.

Coded in :

  • React / Typescript
  • Material UI / Styled Components
  • Nest
  • Snowflake